5 Tips to Help You Pick the Best Home Insurance Policy

Buying your first home in the Washington DC location, Virginia location, Baltimore location, or Maryland location can be one of the most emotional and substantial investments you’ll ever make. For this reason alone, you want to make sure that your investment is protected should the unexpected ever happen. Navigating the homeowner’s insurance market can be tricky at first, but with these five tips in mind, finding the right provider and policy for you is easier than ever!

Look for Ratings and Reviews

You read reviews and ratings before you buy a new pair of shoes, so why not read reviews for your new insurance policy? You want to look at how the company stacks up against other providers in your area, along with its history of paying claims and meeting its obligations to customers.

Find Discounts

If you install risk mitigating devices such as storm shutters, burglar alarms, and weather safety systems, many homeowner’s insurance companies will offer discounts on your premium! The companies hope that they never have to pay a claim so if you can make your home less risky, they’ll reward you.

Insure for Actual Value

It might seem logical to insure your house for the market value, but the market has up’s and down’s periodically, and the last thing you want to do is file a claim in a down period. Instead, insure your home for its replacement value which includes the costs to repair or rebuild the entire home.

Ask About Previous Repairs

Before or shortly after buying the home, ask the seller for a history of repairs or damages the home has endured. You want to know the home inside and out so you’re prepared should a previous repair become an issue again.

Understand Your Policy

We know that homeowner’s insurance policies aren’t the most riveting things to read, but you should have a solid understanding of your coverages. If you have any questions, make sure to ask your agent, so you know what’s covered and what’s not.

As always at 8 Day Home Sale, if you are looking to sell your house, we buy houses for cash. Head over to our home page to get an offer.