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Choosing a real estate agent may be the most important step towards selling your house in the Maryland location, Virginia location, Baltimore location, and Washington DC location successfully.  With so many companies and names out there, how do you choose the best agent for you?  Here are our top dos and don’ts for finding the perfect real estate agent to list your home!

DO Interview

Don’t just pick up the phone book and choose the first name that you see.  Search online for local realtors and read the reviews.  Come up with a short list of promising agents and then interview three or four of these.  You need to choose a realtor you can work with because selling your home may not be a short process.

DON’T Hire Family Just Because They’re Family

If you have a family member that’s a realtor, you don’t have to hire them.  Sure, there may be some pressure to do so, but if you’re uncomfortable with having them represent your home, go with your instincts!  If you’re considering hiring them, interview them with your other realtors and see if their skills match what you need.  Make sure that whatever happens with your home, you’ll be able to maintain your relationship with your family member.

DO Hire Locally

Realtors need to show your home, neighborhood, and community in the best light possible.  To do this, you need a realtor who is from that community and knows it like you do. They’ll have the information buyers want about schools, restaurants, community activities, etc.

DON’T Choose an Agent Based on Commission

Often, choosing an agent comes down to money.  If you have three agents you’re considering and one offers you a much lower commission rate, ask yourself why.  How hard is an agent going to work for less than standard market commission?  And what buyer agent is going to want to take their clients to see your home?  A good realtor is worth their fee.

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